Neko’s 2019 Year End Review

Hello nekolings!
Time sure flies and is the time of the year again to look back at all that have happened in 2019. I started drafting this post in December but didn’t manage to finish writing due to my busy schedule with work and life. I was about to give up and trash this post. Also to be honest, I’ve totally forgotten about some of these lakorn which I have subbed back in 2019. Thus the need to go back to rewatch and relive the total experience again. Well unless it’s the horrible lakorn which I’ve wrap it up and throw into the abyss. Some of you might know which one I’m talking about! 😅 And since there’s request for this post, so here we go. Is probably going to be another long ride. So here we go…

Similar to last year, neko manage to complete 14 projects! Phew! And more than half of it is supernatural related!
Just like what I did for the past few years, I’m going to rank which lakorn/series which I like the best or not, and perhaps pour my cat soul a little bit towards these lakorn/series.

This one is by request of the timing team.
Prai Pikaat started out great but then it just went down hill. I don’t find Inspector Cherdwut (ML) and Sonthaya  (FL) have any chemistry. But luckily our the cheeky Pran Jonput (2nd ML) &  Jasmine Sung (2nd FL) made up to it! I find that the love line is just too random and out of no where. Perhaps some adjustment to the script would make this one much more addictable. The gist is there but…. There’s still a “but”! 😅

I know that this one make it to a lot of people’s fave list. I guess this one is just not for neko! From my years of watching lakorn, (perhaps not as long as most of you out there) usually there’s moral to the story. But I find that the morality of this one is just totally wrong. To me, Mom is the Nang’rai for breaking up our Pawee (ML) & PiangPhen (2nd FL). PiangPhen is obviously the victim here. She basically didn’t do anything wrong. The couple were happily in love till Mom insist to break them off! “Peua?” (For what?) True that Phen can be bitchy but hey if people want to snatch your BF away, I’m pretty sure you might react the same as she did! So perhaps if they weren’t mutually in love, I might enjoy this one more.
Not sure if it’s also because I couldn’t warm up to Pinkploy! Definitely no more Pinkploy for neko! (I’m pretty sure timing team have the same mutual feeling too!) 😂
Thank you to those who have commented that they have enjoyed this one. At least it makes me feel that my frustration is worth it!

I couldn’t remember much about this one. It seems like it was ages ago! LOL! Well I jump into this one for Film. I’d say that the story line is average. Ripper going on a holiday and meeting his true love. And at least it’s pack with some good laugh. Well, how can there be none when one of the sidekick is Kohtee, right? 🤣
I think this might be the last time we see Film in small screen! I don’t think he have anymore upcoming new lakorn anymore! The last I heard he’s into business and politic!

Love the cast – Golf Pichaya, Saipan, Yong Armchair. Love the OST. I’ve been repeating the OST by Mon ever since it was release!  Also love that this one is a short one with only 8eps. 😆
But neko no likey how it end! I’m pretty sure there’s going to be Season 2. That always happen with MONO. If you are wondering when? Honestly I don’t know. If anyone have any news about the sequel do let neko know!
If you’ve been following neko since the beginning, you’d known that neko have a soft spot for Golf! When Golf is the lead it’s pretty hard to for neko to say no! Especially when he’s a nerd IT guy turning into a cool vampire! 😆

Hmm… What can I say about this one? I remember jumping into this one because I miss Mek Juti. I haven’t seen much of him after Karn La Krang Neung Nai Hua Jai. Perhaps only as supporting role. Overall this one is okay! Something light hearted and not too heavy! This one actually got me into liking Minnie Phantira. She’s just adorable. On screen and also in person too! 🤩

SMK remind me a bit of KGRKGR. LOL! Perhaps both have Ko Vasin. Or perhaps is because they have Mom and in this case Grandma who is trying to control their children’s life! All the 4 couples are adorable. There’s a few FIN scenes. But unfortunately not all couples get their fair share of screen time and I find that it get a bit boring in the middle and it end quite abruptly.
This one manage to climb higher in my list thanks to Nong Inter! She added more color to this lakorn! And of course my favourite couple is Kaew & Sarut and also Phikun & Putt!

neko usually likes to pick one old completed lakorn as slow subbing project just to keep the momentum going. And also subbing only one project can be boring. Especially when you are stuck with the scene/character that you doesn’t like. (Reality bites! Subber and timer doesn’t get to Fast Forward!) 
I miss Namcha after  Rak Gan Panlawan. Also I realised that Jay Jay (Nee Rak Nai Krong Fai) was in here too. So as a result you have Bussaba Na Talad!
Would I recommend to watch this one? Err… I dunno! Perhaps if you are an avid fan of one of the actor or actress. Or if you are really down to nothing to watch. All I can say that it’s just another typical lakorn.

Taywat (Thanwa) & Daya (Pupe) are such adorable couple! Make me smile just looking at the both of them! 
To neko, I think the side characters play as much important role as the main characters too. And in this case,  the top knot hair “rukataywada” did the trick! Also I like how the story is being unfold and everyone is somehow related to one another. 

PRKKF is also another request from timing team! I was a bit reluctant at first as I’ve never attempt to sub anything supernatural before! But I’m glad that I pick this one up. It’s definitely my cup of coffee! 😁
neko is a big fan of wuxia and this one surely give me the feel of it.
Mai and Oom make it to my fave list after this lakorn! I’m glad that they get pair up again in KKD. We will talk about that one later! 😛
Now if you love adventurous series + romance. Then this one is definitely for you too! Don’t let the horror part in the first few eps to scare you away!

Well I couldn’t decide which one I like best. So all these 5 are my NUMBER ONE!😻 Also these are the lakorn which I actually watch it live, squeeze my pillow until they are at un-recognise shape, watch it more than once or perhaps will re-watch again in the future! And also have rant about it more than I usually does! Also at least these are the lakorn which does leave after effect even when the lakorn ends. neko is usually the type which is out of sight out of mind! 🙃
I‘ve added some of my fave scenes too! Picture speaks a thousand words and in this case it would be video. Perhaps these clip will give you some insight why it become neko’s fave!

I’ve always enjoyed series which involved cross dressing. And as a cat lover what is there not to love when this lakorn which revolves around the mysterious black cat! And to top it all, there’s nation husband, Weir! ❤️❤️❤️
What I like about this lakorn is the bromance between Nadon and Arthit. And this lakorn actually make me pay more attention to Nam Rapeepat (Arthit) to the extent that I went to look for his old lakorn. But unfortunately nothing of his old lakorn interest me. And also he look better right now than when he was younger! 😛 And that’s probably another reason why he got me looking forward to Maturot Lohgan!
What I love about cross dressing is that when when our pra’ek questioning his gender preference and he started to get jealous unknowingly! Now if you are looking for real romance romance kindda lakorn. Nope! I don’t think this is for you. However if you are into mystery adventurous type of lakorn. This might be it. But still neko think there’s a lot of pillow squeezing moment for me tho! 😆

P’Chai! Please tell neko where neko can score myself a “P’Chai” like Nai Noi? Kekeke! I always like that my Pra’ek is one hearted and devoted to my pra’ek. So this one fit my taste precisely! And luckily this one came out before Patricia’s love scandal. I always think that she and Peach makes a cute couple. And that’s also the reason why I don’t really like to read up too much about celeb personal life. Cause sometimes it just makes me see them differently. As much as I wish that I doesn’t know but nonetheless these are inevitable to the cat curios nature! 🙀
Ok back to this lakorn. As I was rewatching this again to get some of my fave FIN scenes I realised that what makes neko like this lakorn so much is mainly because of the supporting roles. Our pra’ek and nang’ek life revolves around such great supporting character. I just love Mei Hua and Lukbpong! Mei Hua’s character really spices things up. What’s more when there’s bodyguard like Jay Jay and Ta Fong who knows our Nai Noi’s heart more than himself. They keep on trying to become the “Por Seu” (Match maker) for Nai Noi and Bell. Also their own individual love line too. Ta Fong & Bon and Jay Jay & Wasiness. But too bad that their love story line is not too elaborated. It would be nice if they just expand it a little bit tho. I pity our bad guy Chakrit. I honestly don’t think he’s that bad. He’s just someone who is lacking of love and wanting to be loved. I was secretly hoping that there’s someone out there for him so that he could have his own happy ending too!

The first thing that came to my mind when I think about KKD is the staircase kiss. LOL! Okay what can I say about this one? Light hearted and fluffy. Every scene is just beautiful. That’s what I like about Rak Lakorn production. I’ve said it before and I’m just going to say it again, I love all the lakorn which is produce by this production. And I’m glad that they have been upgraded from evening daily lakorn slot to prime time perhaps that’s also the reason why more kissing scenes were allowed in this one compared to the previous lakorn Ahem! Khun Mae Suam Roy! And I’m really excited for their upcoming lakorn which they are starting filming right now. Game Prattana starring Alek Theeradeth, Nychaa & Pop Thagoon too.
Back to KKD. Love all the cast. Our 4 main cast have great chemistry in camera and also outside of camera. The 4 remain friends even after KKD ended. If you are following any one of them in IG, you’d probably see that they still get together from time to time.
Very quickly this lakorn took over the place of Nai Noi’s in neko’s heart! 😍 Here’s a quick snapshot of all the kisses courtesy of Rak Lakorn’IG for reminiscing. 

Wow! How to start with this one. My girl Mookda did a superb job here! The chemistry was great. Honestly the production did I a good job of not revealing much pictures of the couple together while filming. Or perhaps is neko who did a bad job of not seeing those pictures. 555! I honestly doesn’t really know what to expect for this one. And all I can say is wow! I love it! Even though it’s weekend lakorn and we get 3 eps every week. But it just keep me wanting more and more when the weekend is over!
Pra’ek Seua Pha is tricky, sneaky but upright. Nang’ek Nampeung is stubborn, gullible, clever to a certain extent but definitely not as much as our pra’ek. I love how our pra’ek sacrifice to protect our nang’ek and they eventually fall in love. To neko this is just like a fairy tale! Amongst the 5, I’d say that this would be heaviest in terms of romance and perhaps PLOT too! 🤣
There’s never a dull moment for neko in this lakorn thus making it so hard for me to choose my 3 favourite scene.

Now what can I say about this one other than Great is Great! 😅 I think this one is complete with all flavor. Action. Romance. Comedy. Drama. Bromance. Supernatural. What else? Kekeke!
Honestly I didn’t know what to expect when I decided to pick this one up. I love the combo of Kao and Great. Moreover is one of my fave genre – romantic comedy (based on what I see in the teaser!) But when they release the first OST MV by Boy Peacemaker, I was thinking to myself. OMG what I’ve gotten myself into, is this a melodrama! Should I announce it as a subbing project or not! I was in the verge of dropping it! LOL
At that time, if I remember correctly I only have one on going project which is Jaosua Mua Nim. I was thinking to myself…. Oh well, why not? Since it’s Great and Kao! It wouldn’t be that bad, right? Perhaps!
And to my surprise this one turn out to be one of my favourite! I have cried and laugh with Suam as she take us along her sailab (spy) journey. Honestly one thing that I didn’t enjoy is subbing the part where all the ladies get together to gossip! Gosh! They talk all at once and I need to keep on repeating to make sure I capture it all!
Anyway I always love a happy ending and especially a long one! How I wish all lakorn would wrap up perfectly like this! And this is perfect lakorn to wrap up neko’s 2019!  🥰🥰🥰

Overall, 2019 is another challenging year. But different kind of challenge to what we have the previous year. It was the year that neko got evicted and need to look for a new home! Moving to the new house was really time consuming and tiring. And when I thought we were finally settling down in the new home, there was an outage a few months ago. Luckily it’s just a small outage and hopefully that it won’t happen again!
As for video host for streaming, if you do read announcement, copyright have caught up with Dailymotion. So there’s no way to upload anything into DM without getting any further strike. However it seems like DM still works for some older lakorn tho 🤞.  Also other servers like rapidvideo and verystream were also being taken down for various reason. And the only working server is Netu. Unfortunately there’s just too much of complain about this. Thus the search continue… Honestly after so many years in subbing and changing so many streaming host, I realised that there’s no way to please everyone. When I started with DM, I received complain about DM and when I switched to Netu there’s even more complain. And once I move out from Netu there’s complain too! 😕 Anyway, recently neko just introduce a streaming solution using internet archive. I call it server 5 and so far the feedback have all been positive! And also have signed up to another paid subscriptions (server 7) which I’m pretty sure will make a lot of people happy. I think this might be it! 🥰
I will try to do more throwback of the lakorn which I really enjoy. I think at least with throwback it will ease me in writing end of year review! Kekeke!
Another note before I forget, please refrain from posting the website link at the channel official site whether is facebook, youtube or instagram. That will cause the site to be taken down. This is also the reason why neko have reiterate it over and over again not to reupload the video. Thus also the reason that I no longer provide download link anymore. Nekoland have expanded to become so huge that I’m not sure if I could afford another house moving anymore! So all I’m requesting here is to play by my simple house rules. If you don’t like what I’m doing here, you just don’t have to come here! Is that simple! 😝
2020! Honestly, before the year start I thought I won’t be able to get much subbing done in 2020 as I was task to take over a different role in real life work which require quite extensive travelling. But with the current global pandemic situation right now, everything have been slowed down and on lockdown! Look like I’m going to spend more time in door than usual. Perhaps this is good news for all the nekolings out there. This just translated that you’ll get to watch more subbed project! LOL! 😂
Last but not least, a big shout out to timing team mainly CHUỒN CHUỒN CÁNH SEN  and occasionally T Zone Kites.VN. Good timing will give viewer a good watching experience. And honestly I’m pretty finicky in terms on my timing. Not too long nor too short. It should start a few millisecond before and end a few second after that so that viewer have enough time to read it. The segment shouldn’t be too long nor cut too short! Too long you’ll get the words fill up your entire screen. Too short the conversation will cut into pieces that it might not make senses! 😅 They did a really great job in making all your viewing experience to be seamless. Lakorn become more FIN also partly because of them! A big round of applause to them! 😘 And also not forgetting fellow subbers too for helping me out whenever I’m stuck!  You know who you are! Joop! Joop! 💋 Thank you for hanging in there together with me! It’s always nice to have someone that I’m able to consult with!
To satiate neko’s curiosity, so which one of neko’s project is your favourite? Or least favourite?
Stay safe 😷 & Thank you for your continuous support!