Category: Post

Nee Rak Nai Glong Fai Teaser

Rumored schedule to air June 15th. Another neko meow meow project perhaps?!? Storyline On her seventh birthday, Chalita’s entire family was killed. Kawin/Kevin, was given the option to slay three people in order to protect one. His guilt drove him to distance himself from…

Poll : Video Host

The tsunami which hit nekoland is finally over. Mr. Rain is slowly going away, Mr. Sunshine started showing himself bit by bit at the same time bringing Miss Rainbow as his date! 😀 And when unicorns, cats, snakes and crocodiles are here to stay….

Neko Meow Meow Project 2.0

Hello Neko-lings! Welcome back to nekoland! Another update on what’s going on behind the scene since the last update. It have been crazy 2 weeks since my last update.



neko^^ Welcoming the Piggie year!

Happy Lunar New Year 新年快樂 to those who are celebrating it! So what’s neko^^ been up to? Well neko have been pretty busy after wrapping up Patiharn Rak Kam Kob Fah

Channel 7’s 2019 lakorn

Channel 7 have just released the list of their next year lakorn. However unlike last year, the teaser are yet to be seen. But nonetheless, let’s look at what’s in store for us next year. Now I’m as excited as like unwrapping my christmas present! 🤣…

2018 Another Year of Fansubbing **Updated**

2018 mark the 4th year of A neko^^ Meow Meow Project! I must say it’s one of the most challenging year amongst all the year which I’ve spent in the lakorn world. If you’ve been following what’s happening, you’d probably know what I’m talking…


  Greeting! ^^ Welcome to the 2nd installment of completed, ongoing & new project update. Another quarter have passed, so what’s new in nekoland since then. Payak Ka, Look Mai Lai Sontaya and slow going project Kard Chuek are now completely English Subbed.

Ch3 lakorn line up for 2nd half of 2018

Ch3  announced a total of 15 lakorn and series for the 2nd half of the year. This post is a bit past over due (posted last month) so you might see that some of these were already airing or finished airing. But nonetheless, let’s…

Hem Hiran’s gold bracelet

If you are watching Look Mai Lai Sontaya, you’d probably notice the gold bracelet which Hem Hiran’s is wearing. And according to Sean Jindachot, it’s not a prop.