Category: Post

คิด…แล้วไปให้ถึง Mini Story [Weir & Bella]

คิด…แล้วไปให้ถึง (Think… Already Must Go) MINI STORY [WEIR & BELLA] Anyone feeling like Kris? I know I am! ^^’ Alternate link

Neko’s 2019 Year End Review

Hello nekolings! Time sure flies and is the time of the year again to look back at all that have happened in 2019. I started drafting this post in December but didn’t manage to finish writing due to my busy schedule with work and…

[Short Film – ENG SUB] Letting Go NUM KALA feat Pon & Ferny (Sequel)

Still remember the open ended ending for Short Film MV How are you?

12.12 Announcement!

Nope this is not the Shopee 12.12 sales announcement! Hahaha! But it’s holiday season at nekoland announcement and also how thing is going to look like for the next few months! Like everyone else neko^^ will be busy with the holiday season, year end…

Announcement! Mon Gaan Bandaan Rak

Update : 2nd February 2021 This is now completed subbed by Rainbow Subbing Team I’ve decided! I’m dropping this project once and for all! I regret that I didn’t listen to advice that I should just drop it when all the commotion started!

[Short Film – ENG SUB] How Are You? NUM KALA feat Pon & Ferny (Updated)

I’ve always been a fan of NUM KALA. My all time favourite would be ปล่อยมือฉัน (Let go of my Hand). If you have never heard of NUM KALA, but you are an avid lakorn fan, this song might be familiar to you. นานเท่านาน (As Long as…

Throwback :Kaew Klang Dong Fave Scene

Hello nekolings! Yes Thippy this is how I like to address those who visit the nekoland! 555! Well it’s been a while since my last post. And to be honest, I did tell myself to at least do it once a quarter but sometimes…

NRNKF Alek & Patricia Kissing Scene

Sharing with all Nai Noi’s fan…… Short clip from their recent interview during Today Show. I wonder which scene that they are talking about? Probably the finale scene. And is anyone as disappointed as I am with Nai Noi & Bell kiss in ep12?…

NRNKF FIN I can’t do it!

I couldn’t stop laughing while watching this scene. Despite my busy schedule this week, I just got to share this with all Nai Noi’s fan! 😻

50th Completed Subbed Project! King Gor Rah Kah Gor Raeng ขิงก็ราข่าก็แรง

Yeah! It’s celebration at nekoland! And another long post!  King Gor Rah Kah Gor Raeng ขิงก็ราข่าก็แรง marked the 50th completed english subbed project by A Neko^^ Meow Meow Project! King Gor Rah Kah Gor RaengSo did everyone enjoy this? Frankly this is by far…